On Christmas Day a quite-mainstream Pre-Tribulation content creator removed my comment about “The Jews” and ‘muted’ my ability to speak further. I have appreciated his daily dedication, although continually repulsed by his emphasis on parasite-promoting comfort foods, and regarding the interpretation of prophecy concerning Israel, the spin on Hammas and Gaza is a mainstream Media donation-demanding frenzy, especially considering the country called Israel’s residents have nearly all taken the mark of the beast. In 2019 Steven and Jana Bennun of Israeli News Live did the same thing Watchman River just did when I commented that the true Israelites are the Believers in Christ, not simply the geographical NWO-defined nation. INL has since changed his stance and echoes what I said then and say now: BELIEVERS ARE ISRAEL. Not only is this illustrated in canonized scripture, but in ancient history. So how is it that the Religion, Inc. industry obscures this - and why?
(Above excerpt credit: GODGEVLAMPSTE) I know I see things differently than most Believers. Since age 16 I’ve personally seen and refused to engage with ‘UFOs’; in India I saw with my own eyes the flying spaceship Vimanas that are called ‘temples’; the now-years of extreme detoxing and living essentially a “Daniel Fast” diet have been used to remove scales from my inner eye and give discernment I share with others using the Talents the Most High gave me.
What is presented here is in no way to detract from YHVH’s Plan of Glory unfolding, but rather to make its meaning clearer by removing veils of world rulers’ intentional denial in Satan’s shell game ploys of ‘Alien deception’ and religious narratives crafted to feed the machine of Satan’s Synagogue who, if you will recall, have this at Mount Hermon ← (image)
Of course as one seeking to understand TRUE HISTORY, not myths, I’ve studied Zecharia Sitchin, whose work, despite yet because he was a 33rd Degree Freemason, which has allowed me specious comprehension that Thoth, the Enki lost ‘New Thought Age Starseeds’ [sic] await as a savior. This being is one and the same with Satan and the coming Antichrist - and the Jews in the nation bearing the Star of Remphan flag will be sifted, the purpose of the Great Tribulation orchestrated by Agenda2030 and etc. For we know nothing confuses so well as the Hegelian Dialectic combined with inversion tactics aimed at programmed populations. The Word of God tells us that “A hardening in part has come to Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.” (Romans 11:25) So why is this ← (image) their desire? It’s collective knowledge that wars are fought by the same blood sacrifice side with the acronym SRA but completely dumb to why. Do “the Jews” even know who they are fighting, and why? NO. What I am about to show here is the second-best kept secret in all Earth’s histories. It is my hope it will save some who without it would be lost.

Not just ANY spaceport. THE spaceport that the CITY OF HEAVEN, THE NEW JERUSALEM will land on. Satan in his avatar as ENKI wants to prevent GOD’S WILL, in what he (Enki, the Devil) thinks will be his last stand against GOD. He will never back down: his nature disallows that. Nibiro, Nebro, means rebel.
A few weeks ago I was drawn to open and read from THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN, by Zecharia Sitchin. The page I ‘randomly’ opened to was on Jerusalem being the Nephilim Spaceport, with voluminous Old Testament references as well as translated Sumerian tablets. I had already known (since 2018 when this part of my spiritual journey began) that Enki was Thoth and is the Devil pretending to be a benevolent father. But in concert with knowing that the world rulers are all The Usual Suspects, one club known as The Imperial Cult, and then brilliantly lit further - as if it were not already illumined enough - by the revelations within the Narrative of Events Happening in Persia on the Birth of Christ, I meditated and prayed on what I share with you, beloved, below.
Re:12:10: And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
In JOHN'S VISION OF THE CROSS OF LIGHT, Jesus tells John how symbolic the cross actually is, and that the meaning is not limited to the act. In the flesh form Christ did this, and *thus corrected the error made by Pistis Sophia resulting in Lucifer, who she attempted to hide, and was enamored of himself. Many iterations of texts are missing from my recounting here in order to stay on topic. In the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas, Jesus says the world "COSMOS" means "CHAOS", and refers to Satan as "Nebro", which he says means "REBEL". The Most High dealt with the rebellion of Nebro when Satan rebelled and was cast down along with the 200 other disloyal angels with him, and they landed on the 33rd Parallel of Mount Hermon in Israel. Always a duplicator and mimick of the Divine Powers because he lacks light and cannot create, even the number of fallen angels is a shadow of GOD's symbolism for 200 "The ALL sufficiency of GOD and the complete insufficiency of man". This long-occulted mystery in which we are genetically redeemed by the supernatural 23-chromosome blood of Christ by archeologist Ron Wyatt, who discovery of Jesus' blood on the ark of covenant below the cracked rock at Golgatha. He had the collected samples cultures by two different and independent Israeli laboratories, and when they microscopically examined the blood after three days, the results were that Jesus' blood is still alive today, and it has 24 chromosomes: 23 from his mother and 1 from the Holy Spirit which proves the virgin birth.
*"Ill would things unordered be ordered, weft Thou not at hand. In no other way could things heavenly be brought into conjunction with things earthly, but by Thy descent.” excerpted, Control-F for context
"Historians of the first Christian centuries reported that the people who dwelt in the Sinai and its bordering areas of Palestine and North Arabia worshipped the god Dushara ("lord of the mountains") and his spouse Allat, "mother of the gods". They were of course the male El and the female Elat, his spouse Asherah. The sacred object of Dushara was, fortunately, depicted on a coin struck by the Roman governor of these provinces (Fig. 158). Curiosly, it resembles the enigmatic chambers within the Great Pyramid - an inclined stairway ("Ascending Gallery") leading to a chamber between massive stones ("The King's Chamber"). Above it, a series of stones re-create the pyramid's "relieving chambers.”
And so it was, that although the Mount of the Exodus was elsewhere, in the northern half of the peninsula, the people of the area transmitted from generation to generation the recollection of sacred mountains among the peninsula's southern peaks. They were the mountains that, by virtue of the instruments installed within them, served as beacons for the "Riders of the Clouds".
When the first spaceport was established in Mesopotamia, the flight path was along a center line, drawn precisely in the middle of the arrow-like landing corridor. While guiding beacons flickered their lights and emitted their signals along the two border lines, it was along the central flight path that Mission Control Center was located: the hub of all the communications and guidance equipment, the place where all the computerized information regarding planetary and spacecraft orbits was stored."
Stitchin goes on to describe how the Anunnaki under Enki and his assistants (Enlil and Ninhursag) built the pyramids and stored "the orbital and space flight information called "Tablets of Destinies" in the "Dark crown-filled chamber called DIR.GA" (interestingly the phonetic name of the Hindu fallen angel Shiva's wife, 'Durga'). But "a god who could fly as a bird snatched away these tablets:
'Suspended were the Divine Formulas
Stillness spread all over. Silence prevailed
The sanctuary's brilliance was taken off.'
In the DIR.GA they kept celestial charts and 'carried to perfection' the ME - a term denoting astronaut's instruments and functions (likely this is the purpose of the handbag seen in all the ancient records of the fallen angel alien little g nephilim gods cast down to earth along with the rebel Satan).
“And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” - Revelation 12:10
“'It was a chamber
As mysterious as distant aethers,
as the Heavenly Zenith.
Among its emblems...
the emblems of the stars;
The ME it carries to perfection.
Its words are for utterance...
Its words are gracious oracles.'"
Many of the UFO and Alien set as well as the New Age / New Thought mislead who revere Enki to this day, led by people including Graham Hancock, David Wilcock, Kim Goguen, Linda Moulton Howe, Steven Greer, Michael Salla, Jon Rappaport and the entire cadre of the Super Soldier movement, it seems, adhere to the theory that this Spaceport is beneath the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. In an incredible inversion of Truth typical of Satan, some believe that the asteroid Nibiru is Enki's spaceship!
Hidden by the controllers of all narratives in this fallen world built upon a delivered fabricated history of lies is what Stitchin discovered when he translated these Mesopotamian cuneiforms. Just as the CIA placed an operative to keep mankind from knowing that the earth will be destroyed by Nibiru (Planet X, Wormwood, Apophis, the Black Star, the Blue Kachina in Hopi prophecy) by placing a disinformation agent named Charles Hapgood in Harvard where he posed as a professor, leading people down all the wrong paths (Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock, for example) and away from the knowledge of earth's doom from YHVH's wrecking ball and *the entire reason MODERNA was started, "In a post-extinction event, we want to see if we can get mRNA to write into DNA the code to start human evolution again." - Anthony Fauci. This flagrant reality is surpassed in scale by what Zecharia Stitchin discovered when he read how the original one those from the heavens came had tried to secret away - FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS - but were thwarted by FOLLOWERS OF JEHOVAH:
(From the book) "A Mission Control Center, similar to the one that had served as the landing path in Antediluvian Mesopotamia, had to be established for the Spaceport in the Sinai. Where?
Our answer is: Jerusalem.
Hallowed to Jew, Christian and Muslim alike:... a sacred city before King David, before the patriarch Abraham, "it was already a well-established center to 'El the Supreme, the Righteous One of Heaven and Earth'. Its earliest known name El-Shalem - 'City of the Completed Cycle', with the God of Orbits. Scholars suggest Shalem was Enlil's grandson Shamash (yes, of the Jewish tradition!) or Enlil's son Ninib. In all theories the associatiuon of Jerusalem with the Mesopotamian Pantheon of fallen angels in undisputed.
From its beginnings, Jerusalem encompassed three mountain peaks: from North to South, Mount Zophim the 'Mount of Observers', Mount Moriah the 'Mount of Directing' and Mount Zion the 'Mount of the Signal'. They are still called so in spite of millenia...
The valleys of Jerusalem too bear telltale names and epithets... The suggestion that Jerusalem was a divine communication center... from which the Word of Voice of the Lord beamed far and wide...
"I shall answer the Heavens, and they shall respond to Earth", the LORD assured the prophet Hosea. Amos prophecied that 'Yahweh from Zion will roar, from Jerusalem His voice shall be uttered." And the psalmist stated that when the LORD shall speak out of Zion, His pronouncements shall be heard from one end of the Earth to another, and in Heaven too:
Unto the gods Yahweh hath spoken,
And the Earth He had called
from the east to the west.
The Heavens above He will call,
and unto the Earth."
To keep this Digital Scrolls edition readable in one sitting, confident my readers will glean from the chapter above what I did, I pray that my readers have also attended to and accepted what I have been revealing as it is revealed to me - that the Geoengineering chemtrail aerosols activated by HAARP are weapons against YHVH’s Holy Angels. In no way would I deprecate the Sovereign will of the Most High GOD.
It’s terrifically cold in the North arctic regions (because of the electromagnetic differences between the Nibiru system and Earth causing dimensions shifting) creating physics-defying plasma clouds like this and who’s to say they are not forming portals, the so-called ‘ozone hole’ Climate Change thaumaturgists fear will allow the extraction of human etheric energy - an highly charged sum total that will leave earth - in the Rapture. Recall the Magnetic Sheol entrance at the North Pole I showed you… read.

In assembling this information, some of which is neither novel nor new, but in fact is ancient, it is my earnest hope that there will be certain individuals who with the knowledge herein can come to a full and undeniable realization of exactly who and what we mortals are dealing with, and embrace the Truth, who is Jesus the Christ. Because Israel has significance in ways the controllers hope we won’t understand, to further divide Believers, and take us by surprise, like that Sun Tzu quote above, hiding behind the skirts of "Judaism", when ultimately, THIS IS A NEPHILIM WAR AGAINST GOD.
Because in the previous Digital Scrolls, I showed evidence of the preternatural identity of The Christ, who in the very words of little-g god followers of the highest order of world civilization - in Persia - and the idols inhabited by disembodied spirits of beings recognized that the most High God *the God of gods was sending Jesus. Read *Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 6, Africanus - Extant Writings, pp. 127-130 if you can, for it will open up a vista of cosmic identities that gives us a desperately-needed perspective amidst this time of “wars and rumors of wars”, with Mainstream Media and Religion, Inc. tag-team busking “for the jews” with the tiny violin, when plainly Romans 11:24-26 reveals that the Israel being saved is Gentiles who become Believers.
In Revelation chapter 2, Jesus said he hates the Nicolaitans. Nicholas was a Pagan who converted to Judaism and then to Christianity, then made his own sect of Christianity, a blend of Paganism and Judaism, leading to the Roman Catholic church. Christian Zionists blindly siding with Israel are the modern day Nicolaitans.
Tribulation is what will be used to bring the non-vaccinated Jew and Gentile who have not proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah to their knees. It’s the time of Jacob’s Trouble, yes. But remember what the Apostle Paul said:
“A hardening in part has come to Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.” (Romans 11:25)
Bear in mind too, Netanyahu had close to 100% of his Jewish citizens vaccinated - and boosted, selling their genetic codes to Pfizer. Witness Zelenko, who promoted NOAHIDE (I wrote about his being a Judas Goat HERE)
It is clear that Satan wants to have control of Jerusalem as a Spaceport since he wants to escape judgement. This aligns indisputably with the existence of every leyline, stargate and rock circle of celestial navigation world over.
Look how Religion, Inc. subverted this, and the Enemy has turned it into politico-religious theater where these fallen angels and their polluted seed want to escape, just as recorded by the CIA's remote viewers I wrote about here.
“… Jerusalem the divine communication center from which the Word the Voice of the Lord beamed far and wide...”
Readers, please refer to the scanned pages I have included in this examination as to why Satan wants Jerusalem, really. Satan is Enki, Ba'al, Molech, and once he was Lucifer. This entire struggle for Israel goes beyond the four dimension of Space and Time as Paul told us about the cosmology in Ephesians 3:17-18, "the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;" of this 4D prison planet Jesus Christ came to save us from before it is destroyed forever, taking along with it so many souls who refuse to accept His saving Supernatural energy rebirth (said in terms of supernatural astrophysics, not Churchism).
In Matthew 24 Jesus told His four closest disciples "as the days of Noah were, so shall the days of the coming of the Son of Man be", implying the return of the Nephilim hybrid offspring of fallen angels and humans (Genesis 6), part of Satan's plan to contaminate the messianic line. The Flood did not destroy them all as recorded in Numbers 13:32-33. YHVH told Joshua to wipe out every man, woman, and child of four key tribes, but the Book of Judges shows they didn't follow through in certain areas known today as the Golon Heights - Judea and Samaria - the West Bank and Gaza, the same areas at war today. This demon overlay on human history has been disguised as "Aliens", hence the "alien deception", pretending to be something they're not, revealing where they stand biblically, in a continuation of Old Testament battles. Should we have especial pity on "the precious Jews", as the Mainstream Religion machine paints them? What's needed in this dialog is to completely reframe the picture, doing away with the embargo on truth about the Reptilian named Satan’s presence as Nibiru, the Black Star, Planet X.
My dear readers, this turmoil in Israel is for the Earth’s prime spaceport. The slaughter of innocents in Palestinian mass bloodshed is the Synagogue of Satan’s never-ending blood sacrifice to Molech, the Shamash commemorated in the central Menorah candle. All the leaders of all the nations share the same place in the pyramid scheme. The “good guys” who make up Israel are the Body of Believers. Jerusalem is Salem which is Shalom which is PEACE. And Peace, the City of Heaven, will land. You can believe it.
For before and after all, The I AM wrote History, and HE IS TRUTH.
Thank you for reading this.
My love for you is wrapped in Christ,

Amazon Author page https://www.amazon.com/Laura-Rohrer-Little-Brooks/e/B096LG6H8L
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https://tinyurl.com/ropeworm - Lulu Paperback
THE ASCENSION DIET EATING TO ASCEND - Alkaline Diet and Optimal Health in an EMF Nano Toxic World, 783 pages
https://amzn.to/3KEq8em - Amazon Paperback
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For Emily - Animals I have loved https://amzn.to/43qdXuY
Ottimo lavoro.Un santo anno per te Laura. Luca dall'italia.
Yes, I will indeed email you, Laura. Thank you for that information; I ordered everything. I did finish one of your books today; (yay) I could not put it down, started it yesterday or the day before (the skinny one). Your love for our Father is in every sentence; and He is working through you in a mighty way. Ignore the enemy’s emissaries sent to scoff and discourage your very high and holy assignment. Just say to yourself “FIDO” = forget it and drive (write) on!! I personally know the enemy targets us (women) through our family so we will quit the race. The holy women know this is our war, Genesis 3:15, until He comes, Isaiah 25:7-8. Anxious to start your voluminous book tonight. I had to get really sick to pay attention and figure out what’s wrong with me over the last four weeks; discovering your substack is another miracle in my journey. Good night.✨
Deborah S